Dog and Pet friendly Rules While Staying In Newport


Murray House offers you the privilege of arranging to bring your pet to stay with you on your getaway. The following are rules at Murray House for guests bringing pets as well as places you can bring pets in Newport. Most of the rules and suggestions are for the protection of you and your animal.

Please scroll all the way down to read all this helpful & necessary information.

Thanks and looking forward to meeting all of you.
One thing I must say before I begin with all of the stuff that you need to read is that I will not go in a room if your pet is uncomfortable. I do like to meet them ahead of time, just to make sure. Also, I will not vacuum in a room that has a pet in it.
Makes sense to me.

Doggie Doo's and Don'ts: (I couldn't come up with anything for cats) 

In order to keep my policy of allowing dogs to visit my inn, I must ask the owners to abide by some very simple rules. Rules that you would follow in your own home. Thanks very much for helping me continue to let pets enjoy a little vacation as well as their owners. This may seem like a lot of reading, and you're right, but it's worth it.

1. Some dogs have a stronger doggie odor than other dogs. If your pet is one of these, I must insist that extra attention be payed for your dog to be thoroughly washed and bathed before coming to Murray House. I have wall to wall carpet and cannot have a doggie odor left behind, when other guests will be arriving soon after your departure.

1a.. ALL DOGS visiting Murray House, whether they have a strong doggie odor or not, must be freshly bathed for possible doggie odor and fleas, otherwise a fumigation fee of $ 100.00 will have to be charged. It is what my exterminator charges me. Thanks so much for your help on this one. I want to keep having pets, so really do appreciate it.

2. Dogs must be walked away from main area of property. Up Murray Place and across the street on the grass strip there, near fire hydrant is good for a quickie. Droppings must be picked up and disposed of in proper receptacle. Please put droppings in the trash inside the pool gate. Please do not let dogs urinate on plants or shrubs in my yard or the other yards on Murray Place.

3. Dogs must not get on beds or furniture. As is only fair, owners are responsible for any damage or soiling to room furnishings or rugs, and your credit card will be charged a reasonable clean up fee. If you think that your dog might jump on the furnishing, please bring a covering from your home to place on the bed. Please bring your dogs clean sleeping bed from home to be placed on the floor. Thanks.

4. Pets must be dog and cat friendly. Oh, yes and people friendly.

5. Pets are not to be left in the room for long durations, unless in a crate. (If your dog has never used a crate and you think that he will behave without you there, check with me.) This is unfair to the pet in a strange place and not fair to the hostess/and or other guests. You must stay with your dog until he/she is familiar with the room and his/her surroundings and is comfortable and happy, and will not start howling if you leave them too soon. You must leave me your cell phone number in case of a problem.

6. Pet must-must be on a leash when outside at all times. This is a house rule and city rule. Sounds a bit harsh, but I had a dog knock someone down and the person ended up with a snapped tendon and was in a cast for 6 weeks. Needless to say, the owner of the dog was sued. While everyone has a home owners policy that will cover this problem, it is not worth the effort involved to go through the hassle. Just keep the dogs leashed and you will be just fine. I also have a resident skunk that lives under the pool deck, not by choice mind you, just can't keep him/her out. Harmless little critter unless your dog happens to meet him at night. This has happened twice, so you can see why using the leash is important. I also have a koi fish pond, and certain dogs have fallen (jumped?) in it. Not fun, for me or the fish. Thanks again and again.

7. I do not recommend taking the dogs on the beach while staying at Murray House. The beach sand has fleas and of course a wet, sandy or muddy dog will not be allowed in the guest rooms. We have a dog park right down the street about a 4 minute walk. Lots of dogs there in the afternoon and it's great fun for the dog. (Up Murray Place, take a right, first stop sign, take a left, and it's up a bit on the left hand side.) If perchance the dog happens on to the beach without your control, they will have to stay outside until they are cleaned up and dry. (Hose on the right side of the house) Please bring your own drying towels. Do not use guest room towels. Cliff Walk is also a great place to take the dog. Great walking for you and them.

8. All pets must have had their shots & vaccinations. Bring your vets vaccination report if need be. This is a new state law. Also, the latest thing that needs to be done is bringing along their vaccination records. If you dog gets sick, vets will not treat them unless they know they have had their shots. The next thing to make sure you have is a homeowners policy that covers your pet in case they cause unintentional hurt to someone else. Thanks so much for your help.

9. Last and not least, dog must be kept under control at all times and not make noise and disturb other guests. You must leave me your cell phone number in case of a problem.

10. Please bring cleaning supplies in case your pet has an accident. You will be held responsible for your pet's accident. I know they are house broken and trained, but you would be surprised at the ones who lose it cause they're confused or scared. Trust me on this one.
One thing I cannot emphasize enough, is cleaning up after your pet. Always have doggie bags with you in case they are needed. Don't spoil this for the rest of us by not being a responsible pet owner.

11. Just found out that these restaurants will allow dogs. all restaurants on So Broadway (5th Element, Caleb & Broad, Malt, Noreys, Boru etc.) are dog friendly, some will even seat you inside (Empire Tea and Coffee-- before covid at least) or use their outdoor seating. some have water bowls put out for customers' dogs.

Thanks again for your help and cooperation to make this work for everyone. Have a great time with your favorite buddy by your side.

Cheers, Noreen

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